These results are provisional. Showing boats sorted in the order they finished, or we think they will finish on corrected time (with handicaps applied).
Position Name Sail Rating Start Time Last update DTF (NM) Distance Sailed (NM) VMG* (Knots) Estimated finish time (UTC) Estimated finish time (UTC corrected)
1 Vento di Sardegna ITA 159 1.0000 18 Nov 13:00:00   0 27403.1   finished 17 Mar 13:44:06 17 Mar 13:44:06
2 First Light USA 54 1.0000 29 Oct 04:38:00   0 27914.9   finished 07 Mar 07:23:38 07 Mar 07:23:38
3 Mowgli FRA13 1.0000 30 Sep 13:00:00   0 26522.4   finished 24 Feb 14:03:37 24 Feb 14:03:37
4 Obportus ITA 60 1.0000 29 Oct 08:00:00   0 28791.6   finished 30 Mar 08:04:29 30 Mar 08:04:29
5 Kawan 3 - Unicancer FRA 75 1.0000 29 Oct 09:25:30   0 28041.2   finished 04 Apr 10:09:39 04 Apr 10:09:39
6 Koloa Maoli USA 15 1.0000 29 Oct 09:45:45   0 27680.0   finished 21 Apr 12:03:15 21 Apr 12:03:15
7 Le Souffle de la Mer III FRA 27697 1.0000 30 Sep 09:00:00   0 29824.6   finished 03 Jul 14:32:41 03 Jul 14:32:41
  Aspra ITA 14306 1.0000 29 Oct 08:13:00 02 Mar 08:00:05 11225.0 17849.5 1.2 08 Apr 10:41:23 RETIRED
  Bendigedig GBR5383L 1.0000 26 Aug 13:00:00 13 Dec 00:00:04 12613.3 13084.5 0.0 13 Sep 16:14:07 RETIRED
Autopilot failure.
  Espresso Martini BUL 545 1.0000 21 Oct 13:00:00 17 Feb 05:40:05 11681.9 14690.1 -0.0 08 Nov 16:14:07 RETIRED
  Phoenix NED44 1.0000 21 Oct 13:00:00 16 Feb 00:00:01 8368.1 18524.0 1.5 04 Oct 02:15:14 RETIRED
Flooded, rescued
  Roaring Forty 7204 1.0000 23 Nov 12:30:00 22 Feb 07:47:35 12613.9 13059.5 -0.4 11 Dec 15:44:07 RETIRED
Late for Cape Horn
  Shipyard Brewing USA 50 1.0000 29 Oct 08:02:30 12 Feb 21:15:00 5691.1 21250.0 -1.0 16 Nov 11:16:37 RETIRED
Dismasted, rescued
  SolarWind BEL 34 1.0000 17 Sep 13:00:00 08 Feb 04:17:27 13336.0 13780.3 0.0 05 Oct 16:14:07 RETIRED
Broken rudder
  Sorolla ESP 69 1.0000 29 Oct 07:56:00 10 Nov 16:00:04 24752.7 1407.6 -4.9 16 Nov 11:10:07 RETIRED
Autopilot failure.
  ZEROchallenge FIN 38 1.0000 21 Oct 13:00:00 19 Jan 08:00:15 17725.5 11460.3 0.0 08 Nov 16:14:07 RETIRED
* VMG can be calculated in two different ways. We are currently showing VMG as the distance made good over the last 5 tracking points received.
This gives the best indication of a boat's current performance and disregards what happened earlier in their voyage.
You can switch back to 'VMG since start' mode by clicking the button above.

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